African Market Entry Approach and Services

African Market EntryProjects and Experience

African Market Entry

For Private Sector

Market Entry Action Plan

“My Africa Business Strategy”, is a tailored country-focused comprehensive action plan, business framework, which establishes trusted relationship with our clients exploring business opportunities in Africa.

Our services add value to organizations learning from and benefiting from proven approach in developing Country Strategy, Market Entry, navigating Regulatory Relations, and implementing Startup and Operations Support Services.

Value creation and strategy

  • Drive sustained engagement with all stakeholders at country and regional levels.
  • Draw from extensive networks, providing access to relationships, market analysis and tailored solutions through local intelligence and timely response to the needs from stakeholders.
  • Assist with exploring business opportunities and developing long-term relationships that will facilitate and bring investment and business impact
  • Provide roadmap to guide market entry through established networks and legal support

African Market Development

For African Governments

We provide technical assistance to governments to help facilitate mechanisms and dynamics for unlocking value creation and opportunities.

  • Assist in developing strategies and growth synergies with U.S., European and Asian governments and private sector
  • Develop networking opportunities for strategic partners
  • Facilitate discussions amongst partners to help find the sweet spot for all stakeholders

Strategic Planning

We plan and coordinate African government visits to the United States by the President, Key members of his cabinet and other senior Government officials, in collaboration with their respective Embassies in Washington, DC and country Permanent Missions to the UN in New York.

Program Design

We pursue the design of relevant programs, arrange meetings with appropriate officials in the Administration and Congress, and provide access to corporate leaders and media representatives. We monitor US legislative and trade policies that directly affect the country and provide analysis and guidance to country officials on the impact of those policies; Promote greater congressional knowledge and understanding of the country Government’s policies, accomplishments and the achievements of the government.

Strategic Communication

We design Media and Public relation outreach campaign to reshape and enhance the government and the country public image in the US by carefully monitoring of media reports on the and counter negative information with balanced responses; and consistent with the goal of promoting country’s US and international image, assist country’s Ambassadors to the US and the United Nations with matters related to public diplomacy prepare testimony or legislative briefings, review correspondence to Congressional members, and draft op-ed pieces, letters to the editors, opinion papers, and press releases.