African Market Entry
Projects and Experience
Advisory Service in East Africa
Project: Market Access Strategy for Entry into East and Central Africa our team was approached by a Forbes 20 company to assist in their effort to develop increased trade and impact with the continent of Africa. Our team recommended a three-country strategy in East and Central Africa. To date, the Company has successfully secured contracts in the East Africa region, most pertinently to be the Official Advisor in their particular industrial sector to a National Government.
Commercial Port Project Feasibility Study
Project: Commercial Port Development in Angola. Our team raised funding for a study to determine the feasibility of a commercial port in Cabinda. This project cost $750,000, and was funded by U.S. Trade and Development Agency (50%), Cabinda Government and a major U.S. Energy Company (25% each).
Pan African Asset-backed Securities Initiative Development
Project (2013): LIAISON is focused on providing Risk, Insurance, Healthcare, Pension & Investment Consulting. LIAISON operates primarily, but not exclusively, within Eastern Africa and globally through their network partners. Our team was tasked to assist the company to promote and develop business opportunities on Asset-Backed Securities (ABS), Municipal Bonds (MUNI BONDS) and Financial Services advisory in Africa.
Infrastructure Development Project
Project (2010): The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania intended to develop the Bagamoyo Special Economic Zone (“BSEZ”) at a site in the historical port town of Bagamoyo, Tanzania and has appointed and mandated our team to lead and organize a feasibility study for the commercial viability of the project with special emphasis on a development of the new airport, to raise funds for implementing in accordance with the prevailing regulations of the relevant financial markets; and ultimately, to work with the Government of Tanzania to implement the project.
Nigeria Market Access Strategy for Sumitomo Chemical, Ltd
Project (2008): Sumitomo Chemical Ltd is one of the world’s largest chemical companies based in Japan. Sumitomo Chemical manufactures long-lasting insecticidal nets called Olyset® nets in Africa. Our team provided the following services but not limited to: assembling all procedural and documentary requirements related to the expeditious establishment of an Olyset® Net factory in Nigeria; determining a specific and itemized plan of action reflected and responded to the goals and objectives West African operations of the country; identifying a local business partner for the Company’s consideration and review; and assisting the Company in the identification and selection of viable locations for the proposed facility.
Specialty Commodity Import to the United States
Project (2006-2008): Commodity sourcing from East and Central Africa. Our team was approached by a startup, privately owned, US based agricultural commodity trading operation, to advise and guide them on the development of trade in the sector, shipping product directly to the USA. Working closely with our team of consultants, both in the USA and on the ground in Africa, the company secured new supply contracts from East / Central Africa, shipping their first orders in 2006, breaking the previously insurmountable European stranglehold prevalent on the particular commodity. Futures orders have further been secured through the 2008 season.
Africa Market Access Strategy for AECOM
Project (2007): AECOM (NYSE: ACM) is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental and energy. AECOM serves clients in more than 60 countries and had revenue of $4.2 billion during fiscal year 2007. Our team was tasked under the terms of our agreement to identify business opportunities in a primary market country in Africa with have identifiable sources of funding. We actively worked to identify new opportunities in the primary market countries including those funded by International Development Finance Institutions and provided logistical, managerial and business facilitation services in country.
Port Renovation in Africa
Project (2007): The Government of Sao Tome and Principe was planning to rehabilitate and renovate its existing port. Our team negotiated and obtained the mandate to lead and organize a consortium on the commercial viability of the project in Sao Tome and Principe, raise funds for implementing the rehabilitation of the Old Port, in accordance with the prevailing regulations of the relevant financial markets; and ultimately, to work with the Government of Sao Tome and Principe to implement the project.